Fronter's Opel + Opel Frontera brand Cars + Current leaving and service - Engine Removal and OHC engine installation Removal and DOHC engine installation Engine dismantling Engine assembly Head of cylinders and valves Pistons and rods Block of cylinders Cranked shaft and bearings of a cranked shaft Camshaft drive Engine mounts Compression check Greasing system Works with system of greasing of the OHC/DOHC engine of 2.0 l Works with greasing system on the engine of 2.4 l Oil filter Oil radiator (if it is established) Pressure and oil temperature + cooling and heating Systems + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Coupling + Manual box of gear shifting + Driveshafts, main transfer + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Governing bodies and operation + electric equipment Schemes
Pistons and rods
Pistons and rods can be removed without engine removal, for example, for replacement of any piston or the shatunny bearing. In this case it is necessary to remove a head of cylinders and the case pallet as it is described in appropriate section. Unscrew bolts and remove soaking-up branch pipe of the oil pump and a maslouspokoitelny leaf. If more considerable repair is required, the engine is necessary for removing. Pistons and rods are squeezed out upward by the hammer handle. After that covers and loose leaves of shatunny bearings can be removed. Before carrying out the specified works it is necessary to familiarize with the instructions provided below concerning markings, the directions of installation and other features:
1. Each shatunno-piston group should have marking of the corresponding cylinder. It best of all put with paint on the piston bottom (иллюстр.). Here it is necessary to put the arrow indicating to a forward part of the engine. The bottoms of the piston have markings. However because of their deposit it can not be visible. Besides, they can be damaged in the course of deposit removal. |
2. At piston removal with a rod it is necessary to pay attention to the direction of installation of a cover of the shatunny bearing. Before removal of a cover it is necessary to mark with cylinder number on the one hand a rod and a cover (иллюстр.). It is best of all to make a center punch (the cylinder No. 1 with one blow a center punch, the No. cylinder in 2 two blows etc.). The rod and a cover of the shatunny bearing should gather so that ledges on the rods, shown by shooters on иллюстр., looked towards coupling if the arrow or a label looks at the bottom of the piston towards a drive of the mechanism of distribution. |
3. Loose leaves of the shatunny bearing are marked according to a rod and a cover. Marking is put with paint on reverse sides of the top and bottom loose leaves of bearings. |
4. If the piston was disconnected from a rod, replacement of all elements of assembly piston, a piston finger and a rod is necessary. Pistons act in film as follows. Thus means that the engine is removed and the head of cylinders, the pallet of a case and a reception pipe of the oil pump are removed: |
5. Remove covers of bearings and take out loose leaves. Squeeze out piston groups upward as it was described earlier. If it is necessary, remove a shaber a deposit in the top part of cylinders. |
6. Check piston group as it is described below on this page. At detection of wear or any damages all group is replaced. |
7a. In need of replacement of only piston rings, they act in film special nippers one after another through the piston bottom. Nippers are established on a piston ring, as is shown in иллюстр. 7a, and the ring is moved apart until it does not leave a flute. If rings are used again, it is necessary to mark them. |
7b. If special nippers for removal of rings are not present, under rings it is possible to establish steel strips, as is shown in иллюстр. 7b. One strip is established surely towards the end of a ring to exclude piston damage. Assembly of pistons and rods for different types of engines is described separately. |
The Krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism of this engine is completely taken from the previous engine. Therefore concerning this engine fairly above-stated description.
Works are carried out to similarly above described scheme, including marking of the bottom of pistons, rods, etc. The arrow or a label on the bottom of the piston should be turned forward. The ledge on a rod should be turned back. The piston finger is kept by lock rings.
The instructions provided concerning the OHC engine are valid and for the DOHC engine if it concerns removal. Differences are available when dismantling shatunno-piston group as in this case details of group can be replaced independently from each other. It is necessary to pay attention also to a design of the pallet of a case of the engine till the end of 1997 of release and further. Details are described in appropriate section.
1. Each shatunno-piston group mark in assembled form. In the middle of a cover of a rod there is mechanically processed inflow. The edge of this inflow should indicate towards a flywheel. |
2. Vypressuyte a piston finger, previously having removed lock rings. Sample around an opening under a finger allows to use for removal of lock rings an opravka, as is shown in иллюстр. A finger выпрессовывается with application of the corresponding opravka. Watch to damaging the piston. If necessary the piston can be heated up a little. |
3. Piston rings act in film, as was described above (иллюстр. 7a). Rings store in an order of their installation on the piston if they are established further again. Before installation of a piston ring they should be checked. Gaps on height between piston rings and flutes and gaps in the lock are thus checked. If the new piston is established, should be established and new piston rings. |
Measurement of diameter of cylinders
The present instructions belong to engines of all types.
Diameter of cylinders is measured by a micrometric nutromer in three belts and in two directions (иллюстр.). The top and bottom belts are located respectively on 10 mm below the top and bottom edge of the cylinder. 6 measurements for each cylinder are generally carried out. The received values should be written down and compared to the values given in Specifications. Thus it is necessary to mean a difference in values for various types of engines. |
If values of diameters of one of cylinders fall outside the limits set, it is necessary to chisel all cylinders of the engine. The deviation in 0.04 mm from a preset value of diameter is admissible. Diameters of repair cylinders are specified in Specifications. Diameter of boring of the cylinder is defined as the sum of a dimeter of the piston measured in section at right angle to the bottom, and a gap in interface of the piston to the cylinder. Besides, it is necessary to consider the allowance of 0.02 mm left on a honingovaniye. Considered operation should be carried out, of course, in the conditions of a specialized repair truck. Its description is provided here only for information. For gap check their diameters as it is described above are measured in interface of the piston to the cylinder. The difference of diameters represents a gap. In case of its exit out of limits admissible, cylinders should be ground.
Check of pistons and rods
All details carefully check. At existence задиров, deep scratches or wear tracks of a detail are replaced. Considered details are subject to the following check:
1. Measure shchupy gaps on height between piston rings and flutes, having inserted rings into the corresponding flutes (иллюстр.). In case of excess of a preset value of a gap, the piston ring or the piston are worn-out. |
2. One after another insert all rings into the block of cylinders. The piston overturned upside down advance rings down on 15 mm. |
3. By Shchup measure a gap in the ring lock (иллюстр.). The ring is under the bottom edge of cylinders. Measurement can be executed as well snizhny party of the cylinder. Compare the received values to data in Specifications. Gaps should not leave for a wear limit. |
4. At too small gap (for example, at new rings where the gap also should be measured) the ends of rings can be запилены a file. For this purpose the file with a small notch is clamped in a vice, and rings запиливаются in such situation. At too big gap it is necessary to replace a ring. |
5. Check a piston finger and boring under it in a rod on existence of wear and задиров (only if details will be again will be applied). In the presence of defects in one of details, both are replaced in a set. |
6. Check in the special adaptation rods on a distortion and not parallelism of axes of heads of a rod. |
7. Bolts are always replaced with Shatunnye. Again they are not applied. |
Gap measurement in shatunny bearings
This operation is described below in subsection "Check of details of a cranked shaft".
Assembly of shatunno-piston group
At replacement of pistons all of them are established one size.
1. Before assembly of shatunno-piston group the head of a rod should be heated up to temperature 280 ° With for what it is possible to use, for example, the stove with a temperature regulator. It is desirable to have also a color core for heating control. |
Owing to the specified difficulties it is recommended to make assembly of shatunno-piston group of a repair truck. If the engine is removed from the car, it is recommended to hand over also in a repair truck the block of cylinders correctly to pick up pistons.
If the piston finger did not manage to be pressed, as it is described above from the first, or the direction of installation of the piston or a rod is mixed, the shatunno-piston group is subject to replacement. Certainly, such situation should be excluded. It is necessary to mean also that all rods should be replaced in a set as they steal up on weight only in a set.
In the considered engine fixing of a piston finger is made by lock rings. Therefore assembly in this case is carried out just as for the DOHC engine (look below).
The piston with a rod of this engine easily gathers after heating of a head of a rod. It is necessary to watch the correct orientation of the piston and a rod. Ledges on a rod and a cover of the bearing should be on the same party, as a platform at inflow for a piston finger.
1. Plentifully grease a piston finger (1), enter a rod into the piston and insert a finger via the piston and a rod head. Holding the piston, as is shown in иллюстр., press a finger so that it rested against a lock ring on the opposite side. After that put the second lock ring. Check reliability of an arrangement of rings in grooves. |
1. By means of special nippers establish one after another all piston rings in flutes (see иллюстр. 7а). Kompressionnye can be mixed rings. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to their marking. Marking should be visible from the piston bottom. |
Installation of shatunno-piston group
1. Plentifully oil walls of cylinders. |
2. Spread out shatunno-piston group according to marking and the instructions provided above. |
1. Shooters should point to the bottom of pistons in a forward part of the engine. |
1. At this engine of the shooter or the label should indicate the bottom of the piston forward. Inflow on the piston should indicate back. |
1. Locks of kompressionny rings should settle down at an angle 180 ° on the relation to each other. Locks of a maslosjemny ring should be displaced on 25-50 mm to the right and to the left concerning the lock of an average kompressionny ring. Locks are displaced by turn of rings. The second ring has marking of "TOP" which after installation of a ring should be visible from above. |
1. The top and bottom rings have "TOP" marking. Both markings should be turned upward. The lock of a maslosjemny ring should be turned on 180 ° rather kompressionny ring. |
2. Clasp the piston a steel tape, as is shown in иллюстр., also press rings into the piston. Check reliability of a staving of a ring and the direction of installation of the piston. |
3. Turn a cranked shaft so that two of shatunny necks appeared below. |
4. Insert a rod from above into the cylinder. For this purpose the engine put on one side so that the rod could be directed on a neck of a cranked shaft, and walls of the cylinder and the shatunny bearing were not damaged. The loose leaf of the shatunny bearing should be in a rod and to be inserted by a ledge into sample on a rod. |
5. The piston enter into the cylinder so that piston rings smoothly entered, and the heel of a rod sat down on a neck of a cranked shaft. Check at once that the arrow indicated the bottom of the piston in the direction of the mechanism of distribution. |
6. Insert into a bearing cover the second loose leaf, having plentifully greased it. Establish on the loose leaf a cover, and slightly strike on it. Pay attention to, that of marking (иллюстр.) were turned into one party. |
7. Screw and tighten new shatunny bolts. |
1. Tighten shatunny bolts alternately the moment of 35 Nanometers. From this situation tighten bolts on 45 ° and then once again on 45 °. |
1. Tighten shatunny bolts at the left and on the right the moment of 45 Nanometers. |
1. After installation of a rod turn several times a cranked shaft and reveal resistance if those are available. |
2. Establish into place two others shatunno-piston groups for what as appropriate turn a cranked shaft. |
3. Once again check marking of all rods according to иллюстр. Ledges (1) on covers of shatunny bearings should be turned towards a flywheel. Check also the direction of installation of pistons (see иллюстр. 1). |
4. Measure shchupy a gap between lateral surfaces of a rod and cheeks of a cranked shaft, as is shown in иллюстр. The axial gap should not exceed 0.20 - 0.40 mm. |
5. Cover with hermetic interfaced surfaces of the oil pump and a back cover of the bearing of a cranked shaft. Establish a new maslootboyny leaf and tighten fastening bolts. |
6. Establish on the block of cylinders a maslopriyemny branch pipe. At first tighten bolts of fastening of a branch pipe to the oil pump the moment of 8 Nanometers (a carving grease "Loctite"), then fix the holder to the block of cylinders the moment of 6 Nanometers. |
7. Other works on assembly are carried out in sequence, return dismantling, i.e. the pallet of a case, a head of cylinders etc. are established. |
Installation of shatunno-piston groups on this engine is carried out also, as on the OHC engine of 2.0 l. Arrangement of piston rings here too similarly. Follow the instructions existing concerning the engine of 2.0 l. It belongs by the time of an inhaling of shatunny bolts. Installation of the pallet of a case will be executed according to the instructions provided in appropriate section since this operation has the differences depending from a year of release of the engine. (before and after 1997г.). |