Opel Fronterasince 1992 of release |
Fronter's Opel + Opel Frontera brand Cars + Current leaving and service + Engine + cooling and heating Systems - Power supply system and release + Power supply system of injector engines - Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases Pedal of gas and drive of management of gas Air filter and system of supply of air System of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases System of a podmeshivaniye of air in an exhaust + engine Electric equipment + Coupling + Manual box of gear shifting + Driveshafts, main transfer + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Governing bodies and operation + electric equipment Schemes |
Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gasesSystem of production of the fulfilled gases
System of production of the fulfilled gases of the engine of 2.0 l of the car from the middle of 1995 of release (above) and the engine of 2.2 l (below) On latest models some constructive changes were made to system of release. Task of system of production of the fulfilled gases is removal of the fulfilled gases in a back part of the car and decrease in level of aerodynamic noise. Catalytic converter available in system reduces the content of harmful substances in the fulfilled gases. The system of release of cars from the middle of 1995 of release is shown on иллюстр. In system there is the sensor of the oxygen issuing information in the control unit about composition of fulfilled gases. There are some constructive differences in systems of cars of different releases. At the order of spare parts it is necessary to specify chassis number, model and year of release of the car. The system of release should create the antipressure necessary for normal functioning of the engine. To repair of system of release apply only original spare parts. Special value has tightness of system of release. For tightness check the target pipe of system is closed by a rag and the engine is started on single turns. Pressure of the fulfilled gases thus increases and easier the place of their leak is defined. The system of release consists of four parts which can be replaced separately. The oxygen sensor (if it is available), is in a reception pipe. Catalytic converter is on a place where in usual systems of release the additional exhaust silencer is located. Connections of elements of system are condensed with special hermetic. The exhaust silencer and the pipes having corrosion, it is necessary to replace. At installation it is necessary to exclude deformation of elements of system and thermal impact on it. All rubber elements at assembly are replaced. |